Monday, December 7, 2020

Blog #8: Privacy

     Privacy has recently jumped to the forefront of concern in people, namely Americans, with any online or social media presence. Privacy policies on websites are often skimmed by users if anything, most of the time people, as I am also guilty of, merely scroll immediately to the bottom of the page and click "accept" in a rush to get to the fun part of being an internet user. Bigger names are beginning to address these concerns and give advice to users.

     In this Ted Talk Juan Enriquez compared your online presence to a tattoo. We all know that tattoos can give everyone we encounter a glimpse of our personality and a way to judge us without even talking to us. Enriquez compared this to the way that new technologies like readily accessible facial recognition allows people to get a whole online profile and background on a person without meeting them or even without seeing them in real life. The example Enriquez used was a picture of a bar full of people, someone could pick one person in the picture and potentially pull up every time that person had been mentioned in a post or been tagged in a picture. Some may have innocent intentions in this situation but this opens up opportunities for serious problems like stalking and publishing private information.

     Darieth Chisolm focused on an extremely dark side of this kind of accessibility in her Ted Talk about the effects of revenge porn, a terrifying trend of angry people obtaining private lewd pictures of others and posting them online in an attempt to get revenge on some wrongdoing. As a victim of revenge porn while underage this is terrifying to know that this is becoming a larger trend. These things are held over peoples', mainly women and girls, heads usually to blackmail them or humiliate them for not complying with demands. Often the pictures are obtained consensually, someone trusts another person enough to willingly send private pictures or videos of themselves only for them to be shared without consent when that relationship ends poorly. There are few protections against this especially if the pictures were sent willingly and the people involved are of age.

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