Sunday, October 11, 2020

Blog #4: Antiwar Voices

     It is often difficult to find antiwar voices in American media, especially mainstream media. The media highlights the fascist narrative we see our country involved in, with raging wars in the Middle East and tensions across the globe. We always hear and see stories in the news about why we should hate or fear one group of people, typically those we are at war with in the Middle East. Antiwar voices are not interesting enough for mainstream media and don't serve either major political party enough to be in right or left wing media. War and chaos and bloodshed are good stories for nightly news, it's what viewers pay attention to most and viewership it what makes money for media outlets. is a good source of information on the antiwar platform that is very much alive in the U.S. This site specifically was created to oppose President Clinton intervening in conflict in the Balkans and in favor of keeping Americans out of foreign affairs. The site contains opinion pieces and fact based reports about the involvement of U.S. soldiers overseas and even has a page with a running count of killed or wounded soldiers in Iraq since 2003. is based on traditional "America first" conservative values, which includes staying out of wars that don't directly affect the American people. The site claims to separate from the Republican party, where most neoconservatives identify, and values ideology over party and "prioritizing American interests" over foreign issues.

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